A New Take on Targets

One of the things we as shooters, whether recreational or defensive, always need is a target. Without something to safely fire at for training or practice which gives us relevant feedback there can be no training or practice. In the course of my journey as a shooter...

Low Count, High Value Drills

As dedicated snub shooters we understand that these handy guns come with a learning curve, They are not for novices, generally, and they require periodic training, and practice with tailored drills, to retain proficiency. Over the past two decades we have experienced...

A Noir Primer

Here at Snub Noir we tend to focus on firearms;  the use, care, carry and feeding of snub nose revolvers and pocket semi-autos. We don’t, however, spend as much time on the thread that ties those guns together with our community; film noir.  Robert Leudemann...