by Nils Grevillius | Apr 21, 2021 | Blog, Ides of Nils
Tonight on Lifestyle Channel: —Working Dope—> Season 1; Episode 1 Sponsored on all affiliates by Beaverkill Industrial Depilatories…”we tamed the Mediterranean and we’ll tame yours!” —- D2 Eddie Garcia is just returned from...
by Jason Chandonnet | Apr 18, 2021 | Blog, Members Only, Shooting Drills
This drill was suggested to us by our friend Roy Ferguson. Roy was a LEO firearms instructor in the 1970’s and 1980’s. This drill has the shooter making the decision to fire or not to fire and how many rounds to fire. While originally using six 24-inch by 45-inch B27...
by Jason Chandonnet | Apr 14, 2021 | Blog, Reviews
By Vince O. If you’re like me, you’ve carried a handgun for most of your adult life. As any who habitually carry a gun know, it is a continual learning process. If you are lucky, you tend to find out quickly what works for you. However, what works for me, might not...
by Hany Mahmoud | Apr 14, 2021 | Blog, Members Only
My favorite Roscoe is a S&W m12. It has gone by many names, from Revolver Lightweight .38 m13, to the Military and Police Airweight , and finally to the model 12 when S&W went to model numbers. As near as I can determine there are four “dash numbers”, or...
by Jason Chandonnet | Apr 14, 2021 | Blog, Members Only, Noir
From Za HiR Up and Down Mean Streets. A statement by Don Herron and Eddie Mueller on Film Noir’s set in San Francisco. This is from 2003. “You can make the argument — what the hell, I’ll make it now — that noir was born in San Francisco. Sure, certain...
by Jason Chandonnet | Mar 8, 2021 | Blog, News
Dear friends, We are very excited to announce that we are now accepting pre-orders for The Snubby Revolver 3rd Edition by Ed Lovette! We expect the books to arrive by mid April 2021. You can pre-order your copy here.