Objective: The shooter must demonstrate the ability to make fast, decisive hits in a low light environment.

Ammunition Needed: 6 rounds

Targets: 2 IPSC targets or similar with a realistic size, high value scoring area.

Distance: T1@ 5 yards, T2 @ 7 yards. Two no-shoot targets will be placed to partially obscure the threats. Space between targets is 3 yards.

Begin Exercise: Shooter behind left side cone, 5 yards to the rear of T1. The handgun is contained in the holster, concealed from view. On the signal, draw and fire 3 shots to T1. MOVE in front of cone to the right and fire 3 shots to T2.

Scoring: All 6 hits in the high value area in 7 seconds or less is a superior performance. Hits on the target but outside the high value area incur a 1 second penalty. Hits on the no-shoot= No Go


T2@ 7yards

NS2 (covers about 30% of target)

T1@ 5yards

NS1 (covers about 30% of target)

Cone                                  Cone