The Cirillo Drill – excerpted from Mike Boyle’s book: 101 Drills for Handguns and Rifles and Shotguns
Course Objective: The shooter must successfully engage multiple threats in the shortest possible time frame while maintaining good fire control.
Targets: Three silhouettes (T1, T2 &T3) and one no-shoot silhouette. Cardboard or reactive steel may be used.
Distance: Targets will be set at 5 to 10 yards No-shoot will partially obscure T2
Ammunition Needed: 5 rounds per run
Begin Exercise: On the signal, the shooter will draw and fire 1 shot at T1, 2 shots at T2 and 2 shots at T3
Variations: 1)Two hand firing at T1, Strong hand only on T2 & T3 2) Two hand firing on T1, Weak hand only on T2 & T3 3) Engage T1 from the open, move and engage T2 & T3 from cover 4) Run the drill in low light 5) Targets at greater distance
Scoring: Five seconds will be allowed for each run with all quality hits. Hit on no-shoot=DQ
T3@10 yards
T2/No-shoot@ 7yards
T1@ 5 yards
Shoot Box A
Mike Boyle is a retired law enforcement officer and has been active in use of force instruction for over 40 years. He has been a police academy assistant director, instructor, Rangemaster and is the author of 2 books, 3 training videos and hundreds of magazine articles on firearms, training and tactics. Mike served 21 years on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors. Mr. Boyle can provide instruction on various firearms disciplines including handgun, shotgun and low light threat management. He can be reached at