The 6-9-3 Drill
Objective- The shooter must demonstrate the ability to move and shoot at combat speed while placing decisive hits on multiple threats.
Targets- Three IPSC targets with the A zones cut away (negative targets) to facilitate scoring. Targets will be placed 7 yards from the shooter and spaced 12 feet apart.
Begin Exercise- The shooter will load the pistol with 6 rounds only. A second magazine with 9 rounds will be contained on the belt. Shooters will utilize a duty holster or have the handgun concealed from view. The shooter will begin directly in front of the left or right side outboard target. On signal, draw and fire 2 shots, move laterally to the center target and fire 2 shots, move laterally and fire 2 shots to the end target. RELOAD, fire 3 shots to the target directly in front of you, reverse direction, move laterally to the center target and fire 3 shots, move laterally to the end target and fire 3 shots. End of exercise.
Scoring- The goal is put all 15 rounds through the A zone cut out. One second will be added to your time for each hit outside the A zone. Outstanding performance= 20 seconds or less total elapsed time. Acceptable performance= 30 seconds.
Variations- a) 6 shot revolvers will fire 2 shots on all targets (6-6-3)
- b) .45 caliber 1911s, load 7 rounds in first magazine, 8 in second magazine (no slide lock reload).
These drills are excerpted from Mike Boyle’s book: “101 Drills for Handguns and Rifles and Shotguns.”
Mike Boyle is a retired law enforcement officer and has been active in use of force instruction for over 40 years. He has been a police academy assistant director, instructor, Rangemaster and is the author of 2 books, 3 training videos and hundreds of magazine articles on firearms, training and tactics. Mike served 21 years on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors. Mr. Boyle can provide instruction on various firearms disciplines including handgun, shotgun and low light threat management. He can be reached at