Objective- In a low light environment, the shooter must demonstrate the ability to make decisive hits on multiple threats. Reloading, light management, safe movement, stoppage reduction, and use of cover will also be assessed.

Targets- One negative IPSC target with the A zone cut away @ 4 yards (T1), Hi-Power silhouette at 10 yards (T2) and a second Hi-Power silhouette at 12 yards (T3). Paper or cardboard targets may be used for T2 & T3.

Range Prop- High Cover

Rounds Needed- a) Pistol- 2 magazines of 6 rounds each. One dummy round will be added to one of the magazines (not the first or last round).b) Revolver- fully loaded with a 6 round speedloader or strip on the belt. Also, a handheld or weapon mounted light source should be used!

Begin Exercise- a) Pistol-Shooter with gun at the ready, 4 yards away from T1 issuing verbal commands. On signal, engage T1 with one shot, MOVE to cover and fire 2 hits on T2 and 3 hits on T3. RELOAD and , fire 3 shots on T3, 2 shots on T2 and 1 shot on T1. Change position when firing from cover! Clear the stoppage as needed. b) Revolver- as above, no stoppage reduction required.

Scoring- Must complete in 30 seconds or less. No more than 2 misses allowed.

Target Layout-   T3@12 yards

T2 @ 10 yards

T1 @ 4 yards

Start here——move to—–High Cover

Mike Boyle is a retired law enforcement officer and has been active in use of force instruction for over 40 years. He has been a police academy assistant director, instructor, Rangemaster and is the author of 2 books, 3 training videos and hundreds of magazine articles on firearms, training and tactics. Mike served 21 years on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors. Mr. Boyle can provide instruction on various firearms disciplines including handgun, shotgun and low light threat management. He can be reached at mboyle308@gmail.com.