I believe that the honest answer is yes and no.  The phrase “enough gun” often times has almost nothing to do with the gun. Enough gun is a contest between competing risks, responsibilities and rewards. On one side we have to measure the amount of risk you (the would-be victim) are willing to run against the reward (value) you place on the thing(s) you are at danger of losing. We also have to assess how much physical risk the attacker is willing to gamble against how much value he puts on the thing(s) he wants to take from you. We must though acknowledge that good guys have no control over the value bad guys places on the things he/they wants to take from us. But concurrently there is no upper limit to the level of physical and mechanical violence the honest person should be prepared to deliver when defending his person and/or members of his family who are at risk from a violent criminal assault. Understand that you are required to bring enough determination – not necessarily enough gun – to the fight in the literal blink-of-an-eye. You must be prepared to tap into that level of force that Ed Lovette once called “hell in a small place.” If you bring enough fight, the snub will be enough gun.