Just as the snub’s qualities are subjective so too are its limitations. And whether one element of the snub’s design is an advantage or a disadvantage depends upon several factors including the snub’s expected role, shooters skill level, and the shooter’s familiarization with the weapon to name just three. Consider the example of the heavy trigger pull. To one shooter a heavy trigger is a detriment to optimum shooting. To another a heavy trigger pull is an important safety feature. The following list of drawbacks reflects only my own personal evaluation of the snub’s limitations and may not correspond to your own experience. A few of the snub’s limitations include:

  • Commonly supplied stocks are often minimalist in design and make quickly obtaining a proper grip in stressful situations improbable.
  • Minuscule sights makes it hard to aim the snub well especially under poor lighting conditions.
  • Minuscule sights also combined with a short sight radius making long range accuracy challenging.
  • The high bore axis works against optimum recoil control.
  • A low round count limits options for multiple target tactics.
  • Susceptible to a larger number of possible malfunctions than the semi-auto pistol
  • A majority of the possible malfunctions require more time to correct than those of a semi-auto pistol.
  • Its small size combined with its light weight makes it possible to forget and inadvertently carry where prohibited.