The Value of the Snub


In addition to the two above noted virtues, the snub also possesses several specific qualities. Point-by-point these features are not completely lacking in other handguns but as a rule the snub offers them all in a single firearm. The following list reflects only my own experience with the self-defense snub and items on this list may or may not coincide with your own experiences. A few of the snub’s notable qualities include:


  • High quality at a moderate cost, especially when purchased used.
  • Training on one revolver translates quickly to training on almost any revolver.
  • Choices of ammunition, bullet weights, and powder charges are extensive.
  • After-market grip options are extensive and nearly infinitely adjustable.
  • Loading is much easier for the beginner shooter.
  • Possesses the world’s safest live-round indicator with the cylinder either open or closed.
  • Frame shape designed to point well.
  • Short barrel makes possible a quicker draw stroke.
  • Short barrel aids in maneuvering in very close quarters.
  • Short barrel aids in weapon retention.
  • Easily identified as a firearm even in poor light.
  • Shorter sight radius aligns quickly for a fast first shot.
  • Shorter sight radius realigns quickly out of recoil for faster follow up shots.
  • Shorter sight radius is easier for older eyes to find and focus on.
  • Simpler to make ready as there is neither a slide to cycle nor a safety to disengage.
  • Shooter cannot fatally foul the grip.
  • Fewer shots required to prove the weapon’s reliability.
  • Double-action only trigger option reduces likelihood of a negligent discharge.
  • Misfires are reflexively corrected.
  • Shrouded or bobbed hammers allow faster draw when carried in a pocket.
  • Shrouded or enclosed hammers allow reliable, multiple round coat pocket fire.
  • Multiple contact-shot versatility enhances its tactical reliability.
  • No spent brass thrown in your face when fired from odd positions.
  • No spent brass to fall back into the weapon when fired from odd positions.
  • Safest emergency weapon reliability when passed to minimally trained trusted others.
  • Flawless functioning with primer only propelled (POP) training rounds facilitates low cost, limited range access training.
  • Flawless functioning with man marking cartridges (MMC) facilitates practical force-on-force training.
  • Easier to unload and make safe.
  • Safest action when a policeman collects the firearm following a post-shooting incident.
  • Looks less provocative to the “triers of facts” following a post-shooting incident.
  • No notable disassembly required for post-range weapon cleaning.
  • Requires minimum maintenance.