Objective: The shooter must demonstrate the ability to quickly make decisive hits on multiple threats. Reloading efficiency will also be evaluated.

Distance: 10-5 yards

Targets: Two IPSC (T1 & T2) and one head target (T3)

Ammunition Needed: 12 rounds

Begin Exercise: A handgun containing 6 rounds only will be contained in the holster. Shooter will begin Shoot Box A. On the signal, draw & fire 2 shots to T1, 3 shots to T2 and 1 shot to T3. EMPTY GUN RELOAD! Fire 2 shots to T1, 3 shots to T2 and 1 shot to T3. End of exercise.

Scoring: For a satisfactory performance, the shooter must complete the exercise in 14 seconds or less. A run under 10 seconds is a superior performance.  A one second penalty will added for hits outside the A zone. Hits in D zone or a miss on the head shot = DQ

Variations:  a) Add cover for shots fired after the reload.

  1. b) 5 shot revolvers- firing sequence is 2 shots, 2 shots 1 shot
  2. c) Run it in poor light.
  3. d) T1@ 10 yards, T2@ 7 yards, T3 @ 5 yards
  4. e) add physical exertion


T3@ 10 yards, head only

T2@ 7 yards

T1 @ 5 yards

Shoot Box A

Mike Boyle is a retired law enforcement officer and has been active in use of force instruction for over 40 years. He has been a police academy assistant director, instructor, Rangemaster and is the author of 2 books, 3 training videos and hundreds of magazine articles on firearms, training and tactics. Mike served 21 years on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors. Mr. Boyle can provide instruction on various firearms disciplines including handgun, shotgun and low light threat management. He can be reached at mboyle308@gmail.com.