An uncommon business promotional tool, speed loader, and business card combination. The roughly 1/8 inch thick flexible-rubber business-card sized item is fitted with six semi-circular-spaced holes for holding revolver ammunition. Theoretically, one can fit three rounds into a D- or K-frame sized revolver, peel off the rounds, and repeat with the next three rounds in order to fill a cylinder. Of the ones I have seen before, these are commonly imprinted with the name of an area gun shop, or a notable gun academy like Gunsite. This one is a little odd in that two of the six holes were cut to hold .38/.357 sized rounds while the other four holes were cut for .44/.45 caliber rounds. Possible a sales sample? Nonetheless, I don’t see how this would be comfortable to carry on the person. Possible left in a glovebox or an office drawer where a handgun might have also been stored? If anyone has any additional information on the thinking behind this item, or the timeline when this would have been available, please let me know. Yours, MichaelÂ