This is a fun range exercise I created with a noir theme. It tests the shooter in a classic film noir scenario with rapid engagement of a first target from concealment, movement to and use of cover / concealment, and reloading skill using vintage methods in order to engage a second target appropriately. As designed this exercise is a “fastest time wins” affair that can be used for bragging rights at the end of a match. Fastest time can can also be used to break scoring ties.

Alternately, this drill can be shot with a New York reload, each snub loaded with three rounds, with a par time of six seconds. It can also be shot with a single stack pocket auto (three in the gun, three in a spare magazine held in a pocket to start), also with a par time of six seconds.

The Story

It’s been a long night, but then it always is following the trail of some skell on behalf of the femme fatale from central casting who wandered into your office the other day and hired you. After trading a few shots with Blinky and Dum-Dum at three this morning when they tried to waylay you, you are about done in. But it is a new day, and you’re ready for the office couch and a dive into the warm, inviting blackness of sleep that only comes after you’ve had a couple of double bourbons.

As you walk up to your office at 1323 Hammett Place, you catch sight of Al and Max. But even worse, they’ve caught sight of you. You remember how they turned the Swede into swiss cheese in that flop house in New Jersey. You steel yourself for the fight you know is coming, pulling your fedora low and narrowing your eyes as they come toward you; Al following a few feet behind Max.

Then you remember… you didn’t top off your heater after that little dance last night. You’ve only got three slugs in the gun, and three more spare. They pull their gats while you tell yourself that you’ll never make that mistake again… if you live.

What You’ll Need

  • Revolver with a capacity of five or more
  • Holster
  • Cover Garment
  • Six rounds of ammunition
  • Vintage reloading tool — loops, dump pouch, 2x2x2 are preferred, or load loose rounds from a pocket. Speed loaders and strips are not allowed on this exercise
  • Target and stand x2
    • Any silhouette type target with a preferred scoring area on the chest and on the head i.e.IDPA, USPSA, IPSC,, IALEFI-Q, FBI-QIT, examples shown at the bottom of this article
      • A target which shows a human face and a visible threat, such as the ICE-QT which evokes the noir era and appears quite thuggish, is preferred for this exercise, faces and threats also can be printed and applied to a blank silhouette
    • Target One placed three yards in front of the initial firing point
    • Target Two placed at six yards, slightly off set from Target One so that Target Two is partially obscured by Target One
  • Shot timer or stopwatch
  • Cover / concealment (optional), placed one yard ahead and two paces left or right of the initial firing point, Target Two will be fully visible from the cover / concealment

The Course of Fire

  • Drill is fired from full concealment
  • Prep snub with three live rounds, setting the cylinder so those will be the next three chambers to fire, then safely holster
  • On go signal draw and engage Target One freestyle with two shots to the body and one to the head
  • Keeping gun safely pointed downrange move laterally to cover / concealment, if cover is not used take two steps to the side, shooter’s preference left or right
  • When at cover, reload with up to three rounds
    • Shooter discretion on how to manage the reload i.e. load one fire one and repeat until three rounds are fired, load two, fire two then load one fire one, or load three fire three.
  • When loaded, engage Target Two freestyle with two shots to the body and one to the head
  • Maintaining muzzle discipline clear the snub and then holster an unloaded gun
  • Score targets and record time


60 points are possible. On the ICE-QY score hits in preferred areas are 10 points, hits within next lower value scoring area are 7 points, hits on body outside of next lower scoring are 4 points. Hits on head outside of preferred area are 4 points. There is no time penalty firing the course as designed.

48 points = 80% which would be a pass. 54 points = 90% which would be proficient

If firing with a New York Reload or a pocket semi-auto each shot over par is a five point penalty.

Wrapping Up

This is a fun, very low round count drill that tests all the fundamental areas of running the snub. Give it a try at your next match, or practice session, and let me know how you did.

Frank Groth is a former peace officer, retired business analyst, and lifelong student at arms. A contributing writer to Snub Noir and other publications, he holds multiple instructor certifications including from Rangemaster. He can be reached at SRF Training and Consulting LLC.
Photo Credits ICE-QT, IALEFI-Q, Q-PT and IDPA target sourced at Action Target, IALEFI-QR-WY photo by author.