Objective: The shooter must demonstrate the ability to make fast, decisive hits in a low light environment.

Ammunition Needed: 6 rounds

Targets: 2 IPSC targets or similar with a realistic size, high value scoring area.

Distance: T1@ 5 yards, T2 @ 7 yards. Two no-shoot targets will be placed to partially obscure the threats. Space between targets is 3 yards.

Begin Exercise: Shooter behind left side cone, 5 yards to the rear of T1. The handgun is contained in the holster, concealed from view. On the signal, draw and fire 3 shots to T1. MOVE in front of cone to the right and fire 3 shots to T2.

Scoring: All 6 hits in the high value area in 7 seconds or less is a superior performance. Hits on the target but outside the high value area incur a 1 second penalty. Hits on the no-shoot= No Go


T2@ 7yards

NS2 (covers about 30% of target)

T1@ 5yards

NS1 (covers about 30% of target)

Cone                                  Cone

Mike Boyle is a retired law enforcement officer and has been active in use of force instruction for over 40 years. He has been a police academy assistant director, instructor, Rangemaster and is the author of 2 books, 3 training videos and hundreds of magazine articles on firearms, training and tactics. Mike served 21 years on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors. Mr. Boyle can provide instruction on various firearms disciplines including handgun, shotgun and low light threat management. He can be reached at mboyle308@gmail.com.