Removing a Stuck Squib from a Snub – By Claude Werner
r “Sounded like a cap pistol when it went off. Old ‘R-P’ (Remington) nickel cased, factory ball round. I immediately recalled the Range Command speaker crackling from some forty years ago with the ‘Pop and no kick’ warning [and so I didn’t fire another round].” A...
Weekly Tip of the Week #11
Sewing the 2X2X2 pouch
Weekly Tip of the Week #10
Using Training or Dummy Rounds
Tip of the week #9
Belts, Holsters and Carry positions
Tip of the week #8
POP Bullets – Primer Only Propelled.
Tip of the Week #7
Using larger stocks on short barrel guns.
Tip of the Week #6
Shirt stays tip
Tip of the Week #5
Pocket holster shape trick
Tip of the Week #4
Target Ideas