Greg Bettis

Beginning a law enforcement career in Metro-Atlanta in 1984, Greg Bettis worked the street as a uniformed patrol officer, spent fourteen years in criminal investigations and became a Georgia P.O.S.T. certified instructor in 1989. He instructed courses at the regional state law enforcement academy, with neighboring agencies, and became his department training coordinator. While completing the State of Georgia Master Instructor Certificate, Greg had the opportunity to stand in front of thousands of officers both in the classroom, on the range and in other high-liability training environments, teaching officers statewide and regionally. In 1998, Greg became a member of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors and gained additional exposure teaching both American law enforcement and international officers alike. These experiences have resulted in various state instructor certifications, several National Rifle Association certificates, armorers’ courses for various firearms platforms, the FBI Firearms Instructor certification, Georgia P.O.S.T. Intermediate and Master Instructor certifications and 4200-hours of law enforcement training. He has authored training related articles, conducts house of worship security training and development, and provides formal train-the-trainer courses to civilian and law enforcement instructors.

He professionally retired in 2021 and sits on the IALEFI Board of Directors.

Beyond the Muzzle: The Firearms Instructor and Shooter Development Guide